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Please select the category below or simply scroll down for all information

What hours do you do?
You will find my hours at the bottom of every page through my website. *Scroll right to the bottom*

Are you open on the weekends?
At the moment I am only available Monday - Friday due to other commitments. Keep in mind I do work Tuesday and Thursday nights to accomodate for those who work Full Time hours however you will need to book your appointments at least 2-3 months in advance to get after hour appointment time slots.

What services do you offer?
You will find all my services I offer it the Service drop down box at the top of every page. *Scroll right to the top and click on Services*
Do you accept cash or card?
I accept both cash and card! TRANSFERS or I OWE YOU are not accepted.

Is there a minimum cost to use Afterpay?
Afterpay is accessible for any clients who spend a minimum of $150 per transaction.

How do I book my appointment?
Head to the top of the screen where you will find on the top left corner a 'Book Now' button where it will direct you straight to the online booking system. Follow the easy steps to complete your booking. For a quicker step click Book Now

When do I receive the address?
You will receive the address the Sunday before your appointment. A confirmation message will be sent out to you 9am Sunday morning which a response WILL be needed. Once you have responded you will receive the address for your appointment.
Location is in Cheltenham.

Can I book my appointment via text?
You sure can, however keep in mind that our online booking system is a much faster way to get the appointment time you want. As I work for myself and by myself I can not reply to every phone call or text straight away. I also can not list every available appointment over text and will only be able to give you my next available options. If you are wanting to see a wider selection than online is your best option.

Can I call you to make an appointment?
You sure can, however please remember I do work for myself and by myself which means I will not be able to answer your calls and will have to get back to you after hours via text message and if welcomed, a phone call. As explained in the above question. Our online booking system is your quickest option. You can also email.

If I click to Pick up my online order, when and how do I pick them up?
You will receive an email when your order is ready for pick up, and when you receive that email, you will have the address sent to you and the times you can come and pick up. If none of the times work for you, please contact me asap to work out something else out. majority of the time your order is ready for pick up straight away if ordered during our business hours.

How long until I receive my order online?
Your order will depend on 1, when you placed the order and 2. what shipping method you chose. If you order on a Saturday, your order will not be sent out until our next business day which would be Monday. If you opted for Standard Shipping it will take 3-5 business days or if you chose Express Shipping it will take 1-2 business days. We always recommend store pick up if you need it by the weekend to ensure you receive your order.

If I don't like the lashes I ordered online, can I return them?
Due to hygiene reasons, you can not return your strip lashes. However if you are unhappy with your order please don't hesitate to contact us as we will do our best to help in this situation.
Do you refill other lash techs work?
Yes, however if the lash extensions are not up to my standard then a removal and full set will be required. I recommend that you book in for a full set either way so that we have the time to either remove them and re-do them or refill them. If you book in for a refill and a removal is required, you will need to re-book for your full set as we will not have enough time to do them on the day.

Do eyelash extensions ruin your natural lashes?
If applied properly, no damage will be made to your lashes however please keep in mind that you are applying glue to your lashes so once these lashes come off, you will need to give your lashes a few weeks to become as healthy as they were before applying any glue or chemicals to your lashes. Just like getting your nails done - your nails need to grow out again to simply be back at their best.

As for damage, if the correct weight and length is applied to your lashes then no damage such as breakage of lashes or poor retention will occur.

How long do eyelash extensions last?
Eyelash Extensions can last anywhere from 2-8 weeks. It all depends on the style you're after and the quality of application.
One thing you must remember that you can not add the longest/thickest lashes to your lashes. It all depends on how thick and strong your natural lashes at. It changes for everyone. This is why it's so important to do your research before you go somewhere. Keep in mind that if you have a healthy length and thickness it may simply be the application which may be something you need to speak to your technician about.
Head to our Eyelash Extension page to find out what styles last the longest and figure out which style is best for you.

Can you change your lash style at a refill?
You sure can! but it will take a couple of refill appointments to get a full set of your new chosen style. However if you go from Classic to Hybrid you'll find one refill will be enough to see a difference. But when you go from Classic to Volume, you will have to go through a Hybrid look before we can get them to Volumes.


Do lash lifts ruin your lashes?
Lash lifts do not ruin your lashes if the service is done properly. HOWEVER as explained above in the Eyelash Extension FAQ, putting any chemicals on your eyelashes will change the feel of your lashes but if your lash lift is done properly, your lashes will still look and feel healthy with a nice natural lift. Worried about your lashes getting ruined? Add a keratin treatment to your lash lift to stop your lashes from weakening.

How long do I have to wait between lash lifts ?
6-8 weeks! It all depends when your lashes decide to drop. The more oil and makeup remover you use on them, the quicker they will drop. However if they are still curled but the 6 or 8 week mark we will continue to push it out week by week to make sure we don't ruin your lashes by overdoing it. Once they drop your lashes are then ready for your next lash lift.

Is their only one style of lash lift available?
You have your standard lash lift and tint however you don't have to get a tint or you can add a keratin treatment! As for style, how they are applied to the rod will determine how they look in the end. I have some clients who like a cat eye finish so how I apply them to the rod is different to someone who wants a standard lift which would be their lashes curled straight up to give you a Doll Eye look.


How long does henna brow last?
Henna brow can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks. it all depends on how much makeup remover, make up and oily products you use on them. The less products, the better retention. It also depends on the individuals skin type. If you are prone to having oily skin, then your skin will not hold the henna as well as someone who has normal to dry skin.

Is henna brow like eyebrow tattooing?
Henna Brow is a good starting point if you are someone considering Eyebrow Tattooing however it is not the same at all. Henna brow is a tint like treatment where you will have a darker and defined look but it will fade in 2-4 weeks. However with Eyebrow Tattooing it will last 3-5 years. This treatment is much more permanent and means you can say goodbye to tinting your brows monthly! 

Does Henna Brow ruin your natural brows?
Henna Brow if anything, stimulates hair growth! It has chemicals within the products to help with hair growth and prompt any hairs that are struggling to push through, We can not guarantee excessive hair growth after getting Henna Brow but we can assure we use products to help stimulate hair growth.

Does Henna Brow hurt?
Absolutely not!


Can I get a spray tan even if my old tan isn't completely off?
You can, however you may find that it will be darker in the areas you have old tan on and lighter in areas that the tan is fresh. You will also find that it will be harder to remove tan that has been built up then tan that is only a week old.

What base are your tans? Will I go orange?
We have a range of different base of tans to make sure no ones tan turns orange!
We have orange, violet, charcoal and green base. So don't stress girlfriend, you won't go orange!

How long does a spray tan last?
A spray tan can last anywhere from 4-10 days. It all depends on your activities. If you exercise often, swim, sweat or shower often then you will find it will not last as long as someone who doesn't swim or sweat or have multiple showers a day. The best way to prolong your tan is by moisturising after each shower.

How do I know what colour base will suit my skin tone?
Leave this up to me girlfriend, you book your appointment and ill choose the colour based on what you want. Want it dark? Ill give you a dark tan with a base colour to compliment your skin tone and you will NOT go orange.

Why does my tan hold on to some areas of my body more than other parts?
This could be because you may have dry skin in some areas more than others, you may have had deodorant, perfume or moisturiser on before we did your tan which can result in an uneven finish. Or you didn't exfoliate enough.

To avoid this, exfoliate your body everyday leading up to your tan and make sure you have no moisturise, deodorant or perfume on when coming to get your spray tan.

Tan doesn't hold to my skin well, why?
You may be over exfoliating! Yes I know, we tell you to exfoliate but if you are someone who exfoliates daily then you'll find that your skin is soooo smooth (which is great!) but unfortunately without any dry skin, your spray tan hasn't got much to old on to. To avoid this, exfoliate a couple days before your tan and don't over do it. If your skin starts to hurt or goes red, then you're over exfoliating.

When do I start exfoliating after my event?
If you get a spray tan for an event, I would recommend to get the tan the day before your event! Once it is over or after 4 days of your spray tan, I would recommend you start exfoliating in the shower to remove any left over tan. This may take a few days to do but this will make sure the tan comes off smoothly and not patchy.

How long before my event should I get a spray tan?
We always recommend 1 or 2 days before. 2 days before will make the tan settle a little more and may be a little lighter for your event where the day before will make sure your tan is fresh and dark for the event. Either day is fine, but we do always recommend the day before so it's fresh!


What type of Eyebrow Tattooing do you offer?
I offer Microblading AKA Feathering. It is a hair stroke like style to achieve the most natural finish where it looks like added hair strokes rather than a bold like finish. This style is created manually. Every stroke comes with patience and perfection created by my hands. You can not get a more natural style and finish than feathering.

How long does it last?
It depends on the individual. If you follow up your initial tattooing appointment with your 6 week touch up then you should only need a touch-up once a year after that. In saying that if you have oily skin then you will find your skin will not be able to hold the tattooing like those with normal to dry skin. If you pick at the scabs while healing you will also find that the colour will not last. If you were to get it done and have your 6 week touch-up but then you do not get any touch-ups after that, you will then find it will last 3-5 years before it eventually will fade to hardly visible. Keep in mind, you will always have some excess left over.

Can I choose what colour I have my eyebrows?
You definitely can! however we will always give you our recommendations. If you choose a colour where the base does not mix well with your skin tone then this may result in an off colour to start to show once it starts fading. That is why we will always let you know what we recommend and why. This can all be discussed wiht you at your free consultation.

Do you touch-up other peoples work?
I do, however you will never be able to completely change the look of your old tattooing as it will always be there. We can most definitely do our best to give you what you're after. This also can be discussed at your free consultation.

How often do I have to get a touch up?
Once you have had your first tattooing session, a 6 week touch-up is compulsory and after that it is up to you when you get a touch up. We recommend a yearly touch-up. Keep in mind this is up to you. if you find they need touching up 6 months after, than you are more than welcome to do so. If you want them touched up 18 months after, you may also do that however keep in mind. The longer you leave them the more work ill need to be done which means the more expensive it is.

Does it hurt?
Lucky for you! We have a pharmaceutically made numbing cream in order to make the procedure as pain free as possible. It's definitely not pain free but it's bearable! Numbing cream is left on for 20 minutes before we start and added in mid procedure to ensure you are as comfortable as you can be. Remember, beauty is pain! (only a little bit of pain)

How long does the procedure take?
The procedure can take anywhere from 1-2 hours. It all depends on how much work needs to be done and if we are doing your consultation on the same day or not. Consultation takes around 20 minutes, numbing cream stays on for 20 minutes and the procedure itself can take anywhere from 20-50 minutes.

Do I have to be over 18?
Yes, unfortunately we only allow those of the legal age to be able to have this done.


How is lamination different to henna?
Lamination straightens your hairs and keeps them in place for a long period of time. Yes you can tint them but you also don't have to. However Henna is purely just tinting your eyebrows to make them more defined and full.

Does this ruin your eyebrows?
No it does not ruin your eyebrows. It's just a treatment to shape your brows for a period of time. But once the treatment wears off then they will be back to normal.

How long does it last?
Lamination can last up to 4-6 weeks. If you look after them without over using cleansers, oily products and make up removers you'll find it will last longer. Brushing them daily will make them last longer.

What is the 'lamination'?
The lamination is very similar to a lash lift but for your eyebrows. It's the same products.


Is waxing better than shaving?
ABSOLUTELY! it lasts 4 weeks, comes back smoother, patchier, and lighter in colour!

How long does waxing last?
Waxing lasts 4 weeks! this means you can either do it every 3 weeks to ensure smooth legs continuously or let them grow a little longer and get them done 4-6 weeks.

How long does tint last?
Tint can last anywhere from 3-5 weeks. It all depends if you use makeup remover, oil or cleansers on the tinted areas. The longer you leave them, the better the retention.

Is there any aftercare that I need to know if I get my legs waxed?
Do not exfoliate for 24 hours after waxing. Do not shower in warm/hot water or sweat excessively for the 24 hours after your waxing. This may cause a rash, heat bumps or a reaction as your skin is very sensitive. Moisturise the waxed area to sooth the area.

Can you wax anywhere?
You can wax 90% of your body! YES!

Does waxing hurt?
It tickles! the more often you get waxing, the better it will become. It will make your hair thinner which will mean your hair will come out easier.


What are strip lashes?
Strip Lashes are a strip of fluffy lashes, very similar to Eyelash Extensions deisgned on a strip that can be easily applied to your eyelashes for added length and thickness. They are applied with a light layer of glue and stuck on your eyelashes.

Do they sit on your eyelid or eyelashes?
They are to sit half on your eyelashes and half on your eyelid. This will make sure the strip lash is stuck on to both your hair and skin so it doesn't fall off during your event/day. 

How do I apply them?
A video on how to apply your strip lashes can be found on our Mink Strip Lashes page.

What are they made out of?
It depends what style you choose to go for!
Mink lashes are made out of the fine fluffy hairs from a Mink. This style is your highest quality style of lashes and the fluffiest you can get. They are the easiest to apply and give you the most natural look possible.
Synthetic Silk lashes are made out of artificial fibres and/or bamboo silk.
Human hair lashes are made out of 100% human hair. They are processed using a range of proteins to hold their shape and fluffiness. Both Synthetic Silk and Human Hair lashes are 100% Cruelty Free.

How many times can I use the same pair?
All styles are reusable If the lashes are looked after properly and cleaned after every use.
Mink lashes can be used 20-25 times
Human Hair lashes can be used 8-10 times

Silk Lashes can be used 1-4 times

How do you wash your strip lashes?
You can wash your strip lashes after every use by using our Foam Cleanser. Our cleanser was designed for Strip Lashes and Eyelash Extensions. This delicate formula will clean off any residue on your lashes and get them ready for the next use. DO NOT use warm water. Simply use cool warm, the foam cleanser and complimentary brush you get with it. One pump of cleanser for each strip lash and use your brush to brush through your lash and clean off any makeup on them. Rinse under cold water and let them dry naturally.


What can I use your foam cleanser for?
You can use our foam cleanser to remove makeup, to clean your eyelash extensions and to clean your strip lashes!

Can your foam cleanser be used to clean my strip lashes?
Yes! Scroll up to our Strip Lashes FAQ and you'll find out how to clean them!

Does your Foam Cleanser have oil in it?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Our foam cleanser is designed to clean your Eyelash Extensions and Strip Lashes without ruining the retention or shape.

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